Experience has shown that the allocation of risk can only alert the doctor, but guarantees accurately predict none of the known methods does not. Some of the well-established clinical criteria : 1. Diastolicheskoe arterial blood pressure above 120 mm Hg. Art. 2. Diastolicheskoe arterial blood pressure above 110 mm Hg. Art. More than 6 h. 3. Diastolicheskoe arterial pressure 90 mm Hg. Art. and above, combined with proteinuriey 3 g / day. and more oliguriey less than 500 ml / day. 4. The emergence of subjective symptoms (headache, twinkle "fly" over the eyes, pain in epigastralnoy area, the rapid increase of generalized edema, convulsions willingness even with normal blood pressure level). 5. Identification acquired deficiency trombotsitarnoy functions (decrease in the number of platelets up to 60 * 109 liter or less, the increase in blood clotting time to 15 minutes or more). 6. Violation of liver function (change of enzyme, gipoalbuminemiya, disproteinemiya, gnperbilirubinemiya, giperazotemiya). 7. Quick An increase of body weight, not the duration of the pregnancy. It is known that eclampsia usually develops from pervoberemennyh women. A special study of hereditary factors showed that the sisters eclampsia develops in 58% of the daughters-48,9% of the cases, with the first daughter more often than the second. Thus, genetic factors should be considered when forecasting the possibility of eclampsia. Significantly increased risk of eclampsia with multiple pregnancy, when puzyrnom sliding.