Matters relating to the prevention restenozov (education epiduralnyh scars and their pup) has so far not been developed [4 44]. Complications in operations for the PS fairly rare, and no different from those used diskogennyh radiculopathy (brain damage hard shell, deep and shallow rot infection). postoperative lethality of 0.32% [68]. Thus, the modern approach to the problem PS is the clinical analysis and visualization of data determining treatment policy. Updated diagnostics forms PS involves rapid intervention with an optimal decompression spinal canal with a maximum limit disposal team structures spine. Among pain syndromes pain in the lower back at the top of the list [7]. Like any pain, temporal dimension back pain include : tranzitornuyu pain-state when the pain disappears before the end triggered the pathological process that in most cases requires no active medical intervention; severe pain when the two of the match, and chronic-pain continued after the end of pathological changes. Acute back pain varying intensity observed at 80-100% of the population. The 20% of adults are periodic, retsidiviruyuschie backache length 3 days or more. Established that the pressure between the intervertebral disks is increased by 200% when the body from the bed of the vertical and 400% in the seat in a comfortable chair