The widespread introduction of the practice since the late 1940s,, mielografii led to the development of diagnostic criteria rentgenokontrastnoy narrow spinal canal (74, 75]. Perceptions of the brain stenozah or "nediskogennyh compression radiculopathy" have emerged only in the 1970s that may be linked to modern achievements radiology and develop computerized tomography [9, 11, 70]. First reported in the domestic literature on the PC, published in 1974 Shtulman D. R. et al. [6]. In 1975 Bogorodinsky D. K. et al. in the monograph devoted spurred radikulitam, drew attention to the particular pain in the spinal canal stenosis [1]. Over the past decade, the problem of PS flourished, but in the domestic literature literature on the subject is small [1-7]. Modern classification define various forms narrow spinal canal on welfare or anatomical principle [40, 84, 85, 97]. It is the allocation of the two main options PS-innate and acquired [87, 88, 104]. The Stephen I. [97] classification of this division specializes in the following types :-congenital idiopathic and ahondroplastichesky PS; Gained - degenerativny, combined arising out spondilolisteza, iatrogenic, post due to other causes. When ahondroplazii, along with multiple congenital abnormalities and dwarfism, stenozirovaniyu usually prone pozvonochny channel throughout. Despite a history of surgeries in the PC version, these cases categorized as raritetnyh [75]. In congenital PS is characterized hypertrophy joint shoots vertebrae and reducing the size of the lumbar canal peredne-zadnego [75, 103, 111]. There is a general tendency to change the shape of the spinal canal L2 to L4 vertebrae.