At the same time, for the 21 patients in Group II was maintaining body weight at the same level, the re-emergence of "Fat fartuka", which is considerably worse result abdominoplastiki. Discussion. It should be noted that the combination gernioplastiki abdominoplastiki and has been used in 31 of 43 patients, thereby meeting the cam gryzhevogo defect better, and improve the long-term results of surgical treatment ventralnyh. After studying the results of operations abdominoplastiki in patients with obesity in combination with operations in the stomach, and without them, we concluded that the pending abdominoplastiki shuntiruyuschih and restrictive operations in the stomach contributes to the achievement of better results abdominoplastiki. Due to a significant loss of body weight in patients with obesity abdominoplastika carried out more cheaply, sick more easily passed both the operation and postoperative rehabilitation. At the same time abdominoplastiki results were much better. Conclusion. Abdominoplastika is not only a cosmetic operation in patients suffering from obesity to excessive sediment in the VIP abdominal wall, but if ventralnyh eye-surgical technical trick to gain results gernioplastiki. At the same time, the abdominoplastiki combination with shuntiruyuschey or restrictive operation in the stomach, which allows us to achieve better results, reducing the number of post-operative complications. Despite the widespread fascination with diet, calorie intake is not a major factor leading to heart disease, for the 1917 summer study conducted by the 9800 Americans. Physical exercises are more effective in preventing death from heart disease than simply control their weight, excluding the extra pounds, said specialists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. It is a simple fact that those who trains more and eat more, it is still less than the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.