The results showed that the prevalence of early signs of kidney damage in patients with type II diabetes knows no boundaries and equally high in developed and developing countries. "This is particularly troubling because diabeticheskoe damage to the kidneys often progresses unnoticed in the early stages mikroalbuminurii to a stronger proteinurii, and then to chronic renal failure. This usually leads to the need to gemodialize and transplant kidneys, are simply not the vast majority of people in developing countries. Even in developed countries, this problem constitutes a heavy burden on the health care system in relation to the sharp increase in the number of type II diabetes in these countries, "said Dr Lewis. DEMAND Results of the study showed that screening mikroalbuminuriyu has now become essential, since it enables physicians to identify patients at risk and take the necessary steps to slow progression of the disease to the more serious forms of potentially hazardous to the lives of kidney damage and cardiovascular complications. Mikroalbuminuriyu can be determined by a simple polosochnoy samples, which can detect small quantities of protein in the urine. The program DEMAND confirm whether the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association, which recommends annual screening to detect diabetes mikroalbuminurii that is currently being conducted often enough. "The study DEMAND can not be ignored.