Organic destruction accompanied by intestinal fallopian tube. Reasons anatomical violations could be : 1. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs specific and non-specific etiology (sexually-transmitted infections, peritonitis, appendix); 2. Postponed prompt intervention by internal genital organs (miomektomiya, resection of the ovaries, etc.); 3. Postnatal complications (traumatic and infectious); Endometriosis, etc. For evaluation of the fallopian tube using bacteriological study kolposkopiyu, gisterosalpingografiyu, rentgenokimopertubatsiyu, kimograficheskuyu pertubatsiyu, radioizotopnoe crawl laparoskopiyu, mikrobiopsiyu fallopian tube, etc. In order to treat the most promising is operational laparoscopies, which could allow salpingoovariolizisa, coagulation endometrioidnyh geterotopy and other interference. The third phase of the third phase of the survey should identify the functional status reproductive system to assess the security functions and ovulyatornoy steroidnoy activity yellow body. Violations such as chronic anovulyatsii or insufficient yellow body are the clinical symptoms of endocrine infertility. The frequency of this form of infertility varies from 4 to 40%. Endocrine forms of female infertility is, first and foremost, human ovulation, where there are the following clinical forms : 1. Amenoreya-primary and secondary. 2. Oligomenoreya. 3. The syndrome of chronic anovulyatsii (in a variety of neuroendocrine syndromes). 4. Insufficient lyuteinovoy phase. 5. Yaichnikovaya and / or nadpochechnikovaya giperandrogeniya. Patients with primary amenoreey should be considered separately from the rest of women with infertility. Most patients identified either disgeneziya gonad (Shereshevskogo-Ternera syndrome, pure and mixed), as well as violations gipotalamo-gipofizar nd System (pangipopituitarizm, gipogonadotropny gipogonadizm, Lorensa-Muna-Bidlya syndrome, Olfakto-genitalny cider, etc.).