The half is between 10 and 12 h, saharosnizhayuschy effect until 24 p.m. Return of the body by 50% and kidneys by 50% to zhelchyu. Daily intake can vary from 2.5 to 20 mg (usually ranging 10-15 mg), and usually in the 12 designated reception. Often used in routine practice, the appointment of 3 admission was not justified to increase its effectiveness. Typically, the ratio of morning and evening doses of 1:1 or 2:1. The preparation is taken within 30 minutes before eating. In recent years, mikronizirovannye forms (1.75 and 3.5) are almost complete biodostupnostyu, special farmakokinetikoy, farmakodinamikoy and more effective when used in less time and daily dose. Mikronizirovannaya form glibenklamida ensure full release of the substance within 5 minutes after dissolution and the rapid induction, which may be shortened interval between receiving medication and food. Maximum concentration mikronizirovannogo glibenklamida also is the earliest, ie coincides with the peak postprandialnoy fast. Length saharosnizhayuschego effect mikronizirovannyh forms up to 24 h, and to the full biodostupnostyu drug need to glibenklamide is lower by 30-40%, which ultimately could be adequately secretion of insulin throughout the day and reduces the risk gipoglikemicheskih states. Mikronizirovannogo glibenklamida maximum dose is 14 mg / day. Glipizid currently represented by two main forms : traditional and new GITS (gastrointestinalna therapeutic system). Initial dose drug 2,5-5 mg maximum daily 20 mg. Opening of the traditional form of the drug is 12-24 h, and he appointed mostly 2 times a day before meals.