Owing to the complexity of treatment toxaemia is important in reducing complications toxaemia is preventing severe disease. Studies have shown that preventive measures are useful to doklinicheskom stage of the patients risk for the development of gestosis, which includes pregnant with extragenital pathology, a professional vrednostey, gestosis in previous pregnancies. The patients risk pregnancy begins early : from 24.4% in 14-16 weeks. From 32.0% in 17-17 weeks. From 21.8% in 20-22 weeks. From 11.4% in 23-25 weeks. From 5,2% in 26-29 weeks. From 2,3% in the 30 weeks or more. The first clinical symptoms of the disease are : pathological, or yield spread weight nikturiya, lowering diureza. Preventive measures to prevent toxaemia is at risk should begin by 8-9 weeks. Prior to 16 weeks. appropriate for drug products, preferring various means gomeopaticheskim or fitosboram. With 16 weeks. in the range of preventive drugs include the pathogenesis of gestosis : dezagreganty (trentin, kurantil, aspirin, heparin inhalation), membranstabilizatory (vitamin E, essentsiale-forte, lipostabil). The preventive measures in the high risk group for the development of gestosis reduces the frequency of severe 2,5 times, perinatal mortality in 1,8 times, perinatal morbidity in 2,9 times. Recommendations to reduce mortality : # The mother create a possible risk of pre-eclampsia in women young age as well as patients who are in the history ekstragenitalnuyu pathology, autoimmunity, preeklampsiyu hard over during a previous pregnancy and childbirth (coma, a violation of cerebral circulation, anuriya, amavroz), eclampsia, as well as intrauterine fetal loss or death of a child in the early neonatal period. The pregnant should conduct additional investigation (beginning and end blood clotting, platelets, the koagulogrammy, including operedelenie pathological forms fibrinogena). # improve the quality of advice (neuropathologist, eye specialists, general practitioners) to be prepared to work in maternity homes. # Patsientok heavy preeklampsiey and eklampsiey be sent for treatment and delivery of vysokospetsializirova Thursday maternity departments III and IV levels of accreditation, where they and their children can get ysokokvalifitsirovan s assistance. Carry the pregnant need specially equipped reamobilyah accompanied by doctors and obstetrician - anesteziologa-reanim tologa.