Much less was gestosis severe complications such as eclampsia and eclampsia, which is linked to improvements in early detection and prevention. The number of forms with proteinuriey, which is currently regarded as a heavy gestosis and bad prognostic sign. The number sochetannyh toxaemia (83%), the number of "clean" toxaemia (17%). Roughly the same ratio has toxaemia the original and re pregnant. The term later toxaemia of pregnancy is not true, not modern. Currently, it is called ORN-gestozom (OPG-gestoz) : reduction of O (oedema), P (proteinuria), H (hypertension). S (oedema, proteinuriya, hypertension), the symptoms appear earlier than in the second half of pregnancy. The author of this triad of symptoms is the German obstetrician Tsantgemeyster. Laboratory studies confirmed that ORN symptoms appear 1 and 2 in the early half of pregnancy. It found a decrease of circulating plasma in the second half of pregnancy. Raising AD precedes improvement gematokrita. B19 as a symptom of severe gestosis appear before symptoms ORN. When doplerografii violation of blood flow can be detected in blood matochno-platsentarnom terms. Violation of rock properties of the blood (greater viscosity) can be detected in 20 weeks, and clinic may appear after 32-36 weeks. Application doplerometrii can identify disorders of the circulatory system with 16 weeks of pregnancy : syndrome delays in development as a symptom of ORN - gestosis. You can predict the hypothalamic-pituitary 64%. Reduced synthesis prostatsiklina since 20 weeks of pregnancy among women who will be a pregnancy. Women with the threat of toxaemia have a higher average pressure. Average AD well syste. AD + 2diastol. AD/3.