Relates to derivatives karbamoilmetilbenzoe ting acid. The drug stimulates the secretion of insulin, making contact with its own specific site (molecular mass of 36 kD), which is part of ATFzavisimogo Kkanala. All this and makes specific pharmacological properties of the preparation. Repaglinid in vitro (unlike PSM) did not stimulate the secretion of insulin in the absence b-kletkami among glucose, but with higher concentrations of glucose 5 mmol / l is several times more intense than SAP. Another feature is the speed repaglinida his actions. The drug is rapidly absorbed, the action occurs in 5-10 min, which allows patients to take it directly to the food. Peak plasma concentration is achieved within 40 min, 1 hour, which makes it easier to adjust the postprandialnoy fast. The agent just as quickly inaktiviruetsya (half-time 1 hour 40 minutes), so insulin levels returned to baseline within 3 hours after receiving medication that simulates normal secretion of insulin at meal times and reduces the likelihood gipoglikemii in between meals. Also positive properties repaglinida are that it does not cause direct ekzotsitoza or suppress biosynthesis of insulin b-kletke. All of this leads to a much lower depletion b-kletok. Drug inactivation occurs in the liver, more than 90% displayed with zhelchyu that allows patients to take the drug not only easy, but even with a moderate degree of kidney damage. Against the backdrop of novonorma no cases gipoglikemicheskoy coma. Dosage of 0.5 to 4 mg to the main meals (usually 2-4 times a day). Thus, the product allows patients more flexibility in the diet. In the event passes meals (eg lunches) receiving the drug also passed. This is very important for the relatively young patients with active lifestyles, as for the treatment of SAP in this case arose the risk gipoglikemii. The maximum dose is 16 mg per day. The best results repaglinid shows in patients with low seniority SD2, ie in patients with insulin sekretsiey saved.