It is considered impractical to : * begin treatment with hypertensive therapy, uhudshayuschey organny bloodstream. Gipotenzivnaya therapy is the prevention of stroke and has been viewed only in situations where the ADA is closer to the level of 130 mm Hg. Art. affecting violation autoregulyatsii cerebral blood flow * restrict salt and liquid, adding gipovolemiyu; * appoint mochegonnye, especially in pregnant women with pre-eclampsia clinic. An exception is the situation oedema of the brain, lungs and OPN. * significantly limit muscle activity pregnant. So far not found scientific evidence benefit of strict bed rest in women with PE. 7. Drugs affecting gemostaz : antitrombotsitarnye means heparin does not make a significant positive impact in pregnant women with PE, because the processes to which they affect, and are secondary compensatory effect of respiratory function endoteliya. Revisions to the sight of the origin and maintenance of hypertension in pregnant women, although it is consistent with the latest achievements of modern scientific thought, certainly not the final solution to this complex problem and requires further study and significant details. But now he offers clear prospects for scientific research aimed at identifying concrete and effective lechebno-profilaktiche tegic up to the gestosis, allows to make certain adjustments to the traditional guidelines and principles of pregnant women with hypertension clinic and PE. British researchers say that the epidemic of obesity observed in the developed countries is the result of the discrepancy modern food rights and needs identified by centuries of evolution, said an informative web site Ananova. Currently, many of them eat high-energy food items that are easy to understand. However, throughout the history of mankind food was relatively energy-poor and has been invoked so often. As Professor Andrew Prentice (Andrew Prentice), the head of the health council on nutrition, "none of us in a position to evaluate the energy saturation products. We eat normal-sized portion, but in the case of 'fast', it contains many more calories than the same number of 'healthy food'. " According to Prentisa, now, during the development of agriculture and the abundance of energy foods, appetite rights act as in the past, when food was trudnousvaivaemoy. But now so fed only residents of provincial areas of developing countries where, as a consequence, obesity almost disappeared. To date, one in five women and one in four men suffer varikoznym vein extensions. Of those, one in four is such complications as throm and trophic ulcers. How about it? Can it be cured without surgery? On these issues the Head of traditional fito-and hirudotherapy doctor-fitoterapevt Elena Minginovich.