There's one theory. Many studies emphasize the code changes during pregnancy. Currently, the pathogenesis of gestosis as immunokompetentnogo process is as follows. Chronic stress psihogenny violation hormone status or any other factor, disreguliruyuschy system dystonia materi-platsenta lead to a lack of antibodies. This, in turn, contributes to a violation neutralize persistent circulating in the blood of mothers placental antigen, or Education handicapped circulating immune complexes (CEC), which can not be adequately removed from the body, the same immune complexes (IC) with antigens placenta are higher affinity for the tissues klubochkovogo apparatus kidneys. The increase in the circulation of IC leads to mikrotromboobrazovan p and the permeability of vascular wall, and subsidence in klubochkovom machine-to kidney damage. Last activates reninangiotenzin-al osteronovuyu system causing generalizovanny patients arteriol and blood pressure rise. The long suffering damages arteriol endotelii receptacles and activates adgezivno-agregatsion s function platelets. Thus, collectively pathogenesis can be expressed by the following scheme : Classification Gestozy previously divided into two major groups : Early (pregnant vomiting, excessive vomiting, ptializm) are usually 4 to 12 weeks of pregnancy; - - Later raised in the last 2-3 months. I 1. Early toxicosis pregnant. 2. Late toxicosis pregnant. II 1. Net late toxicosis have evolved from somaticheski healthy women. 2. Co-gestosis complications compounded by the previous extragenital pathology. III 1. Monosimptomnye pregnancy, or when there is hydrocysts pregnant, or hypertension pregnant. 2. Polisimptomnye gestosis : Nephropathy 1,2,3, eclampsia, eclampsia. Intensely triad Tsantgemeystera : oedema, hypertension, proteinuriya. Depending on the size of these symptoms between the severity of gestosis. If an early toxaemia is not modified, the relatively late gestosis seemed appropriate to use the classification proposed in the revision of ICD H : Oteki, proteinuriya and hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period 010. The former hypertension, complicate pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum 010.0. The former essentsialnaya hypertension, complicate pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum 010.1.Suschestvovavshaya earlier kardiovaskulyarnaya hypertension, complicate pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum 010.2.