Similarly, there are a number of plants with protivovospalitelny m venotonicheskim act that prevent development flebita (inflammation of blood vessels) and normalize the tone venous vessels by removing vascular diseases, which allows master function adequately. Medical piyavka same is the best sosudistym doctor. Spermatophores put to refleksogennye terms of kopchika (for unloading venous stagnation in the small pelvis), in the area of his liver to do the same during trombirovannoy or varikozno enhanced wrists with the two sides in checkerboard patterns. The secret leeches saliva contains a special substance girudin which prevents svorachivaemosti blood, thereby improving blood circulation. Besides girudina secret leeches saliva contains more than thirty biologically active substances that have a wide range of beneficial effects. Ever since the act krovososaniya marriage is therapeutic effect of pathologically altered organs and blood vessels, and then connects several mechanisms normalize circulation, in particular the withdrawal of vascular diseases, as well as the acceleration of blood flow, reducing the viscosity of blood. All of this leads to a better nutrition of tissues, and thus eliminate the pathological process. The method enables plants to adjust venous system and chronic processes inside and girudoterapiya, both from within (by saturation systemic blood flow beneficial substances), and from the outside by removing cosmetic defects. - Can you give some recipes for the treatment varikoznoy disease and its complications. I will cite a few recipes, making note of the fact that any recipe to be agreed with the doctor-fitoterapevtom since any herbal treatment must be chosen by each person individually necessarily given its accompanying pathology. When varicose veins lower limbs : Take 100 grams of herbal peas myshinogo and podmarennika present, 30 g cysteine field, and 10 grams of herbal repeshka and strawberries. Dining spoon mixture pour 0,5 litre kipyatka, insist on 30 minutes. Experience elsewhere to drink three reception for 20 minutes before eating.