Abduction painful bowed legs and limited its internal rotation, which is the strength and reduction "interested" muscles. The movements in the lumbar spine division is not changed. Raising straight leg limited [1]. The leading role in the treatment of MBS took the local impact : injections of anesthetics, botulotoksina, applique on the sore parts of the skin gels, ointments, such as health, and annoying [1]. Consistent application and applications dimeksida coupled with kortikosteroidami, lidokainom, prokainom. Non-pharmacological treatment includes therapy (iglorefleksoterapiya, point massage, biopsy elektroneyromiostimu North etc.), soft yshechno-energetichesk s miorelaksiruyuschie and technology [4]. Psychogenic pain in his lower back at the formation of behavioral responses to pain influence recording experience pain behaviour of surrounding patient in childhood experiences postponed own pain factor for social and financial benefits of genetic and ethnic characteristics. Thus, with little povrezhdayuschem effects may occur high level of perception own pain. The patients in this category (complaints frequently musculoskeletal pain) has not been able to identify distinct neyroortopedicheskih changes. There are the primary and secondary forms psihogennoy lumbar pain. Primary psychogenic pain is usually caused by topical or chronic psihotravmiruyuschey situation, which is carried out through the exchange mechanisms with symptoms previously postponed pathology.