In doing so, every 6 h in control of platelets, the degree of hemolysis, levels of total protein, cium and protrombinovy index is determined by the blood clotting on Li-Uaytu. Infuzionno-transfuzi Major therapy before the introduction of 10% glucose, coupled with makrodozami ascorbic acid (10 g / day), frozen plasma (not less than 20 ml / kg.sut) and transfusion trombokontsentrata (at least 2 doses), with the number of platelets less than 50000. In the absence of acceptable trombokontsentrata introduction of at least 4 doses of the so-called plasma rich trombotsitami that can be extracted from the donor stand on various types of centrifuges in soft mode sedimentation. When transfuzii the environment simultaneously korrigiruyutsya violations and trombotsitarnogo, and the plasma level hemostasis. Carefully controlled AD. Increased systolic AD above 140 amidst trombotsitopenii provoke a brain haemorrhage, and therefore shows a relatively controlled hypotension. To cupping DVS-sindroma, hemolysis and prevention gemoglobinuriynogo nefroza a discrete plazmaferez mode plazmoobmena of replacing at least 50% of OTSP. Those therapies are integrated in the face of glucocorticoids (prednisolone not less than 500 mg / d intravenously). To further correcting gemokoagulyatsii in predoperatsionnom period and intraoperatsionno intravenously bolyusno impose at least 750 mg transamina. This transoksaminovoy acid derivative, its pharmacological properties based on blocking activator plazminogena, normalization functions platelets, reducing permeability of vascular walls. The aftercare period under the close supervision kliniko-laboratornym still fill plasma factors exit (frozen plasma in the dose of 12-15 ml / kg.sut) gepatoprotektornaya therapy against a backdrop of massive antimicrobial therapy. There is a need to strive for the early transfer of patients to enteralnoe board for permission pareza gastrointestinal tract and the prevention of peritonitis. Another form of gestosis, complicated liver failure is OZHGB. The disease often develops with pervoberemennyh time 28-32 weeks. Sometimes sooner, often with otyagoschenii inflammatory diseases bed, and the urogenital system. The course dvuhfaznoe : first, bezzheltushny period marked by the large number of complaints (decrease or loss of appetite, weakness, indigestion, nausea, pain and the sense of gravity in epigastralnoy area, a skin itch, treatmentoptions). At that time there was zhirovoe degeneration of hepatocytes, depending on the individual compensation of its liver length ranges from 2 to 6 weeks. The second and final term illness accompanies bustling clinic that is particularly isolated and rapidly progressive signs pechenochno-pochechnoy insufficient without markers of hepatitis (jaundice, giperbilirubinemiya mainly through direct factions; Gipoproteinemiya, particularly sharply reduced the number fibrinogena; Oligoanuriya, peripheral oedema and congestion free liquid in seroznyh cavities), koagulopatii (sharp B19 tight) going antenatalnaya fetal loss.