Domination prostatsiklina over tromboksanami are preventing diseases receptacles. * Products calcium. For women with arterial hypertension is increasing calcium in the cells, which leads to vazokonstriktsii and plasma concentration of calcium reduced. The admission of 2 grams of salt, calcium a day, starting from 20 weeks of pregnancy, has been used extensively in the United States. You can use fish oil, which contains large quantities of vitamins and calcium. Preeklampsiya It swells, hypertension and proteinurii, growing in the transition nefropatii in preeklampsiyu, joined by new symptoms related to central nervous system disabilities, disorders of cerebral circulation, increases vnutricherepnogo pressure and swelling of the brain. The diagnosis of pre-eclampsia put in blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg art. after 20 weeks. pregnancy in the face of severe and / or proteinurii, if subjective symptoms (headache, pain in epigastralnoy area twinkle "fly" over the eyes, drowsiness, etc.) characterizing gipertenzivnuyu entsefalopatiyu. Too long simplistic pre-eclampsia led to a widespread misconception among doctors that the most accessible symptoms (hypertension, proteinuriya and swelling) and is a major problem. While in reality they are merely external and late manifestations of the syndrome and polisistemnoy of multiple organ failure. Of course, these traits can diagnose preeklampsiyu but not the substance of the pre-eclampsia. In pre-eclampsia diagnosis should remember that swelling of hands and individuals are common in normal pregnancy. In addition, there have been no clear correlation between the degree of hypertension and the absence or presence of oedema.