The relevance of these pathological conditions is that there is no definitive criteria developed their diagnosis and therapy and in 50% -70% if there is a fatal disease. According to another theory, the emergence of gestosis, on the contrary, due giperreaktsiey organism mother to fetus antigen, which is coupled with the emergence of immune complexes, kidney failure, receptacles placenta allocating tromboplastina and activated clogging and DVS. Pathophysiological changes characteristic of severe pre-eclampsia occur predominantly in the liver and caused bigger vazospazmom resulting in a breach of blood flow in sinusoidah liver and eye glisonovoy capsules (pain in the upper abdomen); Gepatotsellyulyarnomu necrosis caused sea transaminaz. Trombotsitopeniya and gemoliz arise as a result of damage endoteliya in obstruktivno modified receptacles. If this vicious circle, composed of damage endoteliya and vnutrisosudistoy activation of closure, no breaks down there for a few hours is DVS-sindrom with fatal bleeding. In some cases, are not all symptoms HELLP-sindroma (no haemolytic syndrome is defined as ELLP-sindrom). If no or minor manifestations trombotsitopenii disease called HEL-sindromom. Development HELLP-sindroma be treated as a running event, a very belated diagnosis that can only be explained by poor, poor monitoring pregnant. Even with prompt diagnosis HELLP-sindroma and maternal and perinatal mortality rates remain high. All these pathological processes in the body of a pregnant leading to a breakdown in homeostasis endotelialnyh cells, which is accompanied by a decrease in nitrogen oxide and prostatsiklina and increase product tromboksana and gli-1 is generalizovanny patients, hypoxia and DVS-sindrom. Proven role in the activation syndrome antifosfolipidnogo prokoagulyantnoy and fibrinoliticheskoy systems and the formation of trombogemoragicheskog of syndrome, followed by the deployment of the entire staff pathological response to gipovolemiyu.